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Extend your ManyChat Chatbot with awesome Extensions you never saw before.
Evolve your ManyChat chatbot to the next level, with expert built bot extensions. Get all the top softwares you’ll ever need, with direct plug in extensions, in one package. No need to pay out for numerous platforms again. Forget about Calendly, Google Data Studio, Google Sheets, Nifty Images, Viral Loops and more - BotTools extensions can do everything these platforms do, in one bundle.
Video Watchtime
Learn the exact time each user has spent watching a video placed into your chat bot, reward users who watch the full video, or re-target those who start the video but do not finish it. Or send users to a website from your chatbot, and track the length of time they spend visiting that site.
User Relationship
Share to facebook:
Create a button that when clicked will share a link of your choice to users facebook, creating a public post on their account.
When a seperate facebook user clicks onto the shared link from the facebook post, you will be notified of who has clicked, as well as rewarding the original user with points.
Tracking Pixel
Update your pixels based off of user interactions, from inside of your chatbot. Trigger your chatbot based on users visiting a web page, or based on a custom conversion.
Easily migrate one subscriber information from one Chatbot to another, with just the click of a button from a user. All current user field and tag values will be taken with them.
The only booking system you will ever need. Create meeting spaces, manage bookings, send reminders and access user data. Perfect for restaurants, hotels and everything in between. The Booking Extension will replace any calendar booking service, within your chatbot.
Dynamic Images
Personalise your Chatbot with the addition of dynamic images. Add names to images, stamp cards and GIFS, to make them specific and unique to each user. The Dynamic Images Extension will replace Nifty Images, within your chatbot.
The best content management system for Chatbots. Allow users to search through 1000’s of rows and columns to be able to quickly find relevant content. Simply import a .csv or .xls file. The Database Extension will replace other table based services, within your chatbot.
Bot Settings
Send clients an external form that will populate all the bot fields you want in Manychat. Save time, enjoy more creative control and minimise the risk of any errors that could break a flow. The Bot Settings Extension will replace forms for clients for your chatbot.
Create and track any metrics from your chatbot, in real time. Send the data to your clients in private, password protected, links. This extension enables you to look at all of your chatbot data overall, and make smart marketing decisions. The Statistics Extension will replace Google Data Studio, within your chatbot.
Customer Support
Launch a private web based chat between any two subscribers, within your Chatbot. Create direct conversations between you and potential clients. The perfect tool for MLM’s, real estate, customer support and more. The Customer Support Extension is like having a private Whatsapp chat, within your chatbot.
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- 5
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- Unlimited Traffic
- First Line Support
- All Extensions
- 25
- Unlimited Users
- Unlimited Traffic
- First Line Support
Your Customized Extension
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